Younes bellouche

Younes bellouche
Younes bellouche
Younes bellouche
Younes bellouche
Younes bellouche
Vekt: 55
Høyde: 174
Alder: 17
Kjønn: Mann

انا لعب ممتاز العب دفاع ايسر او وسط ميدان أمنيتي هي إلاحتراف في أوربا وهذا كله من أجل والدتي و للسعاده في حياته لتراني إن شاءالله في
فريق ممتاز و التعاون معها ماديا
I am an excellent player, playing left or midfield defense. My wish is to become a professional in Europe. This is all for the sake of my mother and for happiness in his life, to see me, God willing, in an excellent team and to cooperate with her financially.


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